- Dance Classes & Music Lessons
- 310.406.1730
Policies & Procedures

Payment of Fees:
Tuition must be paid by an automatic form of payment by a credit card which will be debited on the first day of our school months for our school year. All credit card information must be received upon registration to confirm class time(s). No class times will be confirmed without this signed contract and an automatic form of payment. All Declined credit cards may be charged a $5.00 Administration Fee (so please keep your credit card billing info updated with the front office). Year in Full Payments may also be made to confirm class time(s). Classes with less than 5 students registered are subject to cancellation in which all remaining class tuitions will be refunded.
Missed Lessons and Make-up Lessons (Dance School Only):
You have the opportunity to make-up any missed lesson before the end of the current school year. You may only receive a make-up lesson while you are a currently enrolled student. Make-ups are only valid for currently enrolled students and are to be used within the same school term in which the class was missed. Once you withdrawal from a class your missed classes for that class are no longer eligible for a makeup. Make-ups will not be permitted unless the following steps are taken; 1. Notify school office that you are missing class (So we know there is an open spot if someone wants to make-up in your spot) 2. Call the school office to authorize the exact time and day of make-up. Students are not allowed to show up for a class they are not pre-authorized in due to our limited class sizes. 3) Make-ups may not be scheduled more than a week in advance.
Missed Lessons and Make-up Lessons (Music School Only):
Absolutely no make-up lessons will be given for missed lessons unless at least a 24-hour notice has been given to the school office. Make-up lessons will be limited to 2 per teaching year (Sept – June) and will be offered but are not guaranteed. You may only receive a make-up lesson while you are a currently enrolled student. No refunds are given for missed lessons. The front office will keep track of your available make-ups and will reschedule them with the student when an opening is available.
The school reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If the school cannot arrange a substitute any missed classes will be made up or refunded.
Recital Fee (Dance School Only):
Recital fees must be set up to be paid at time of registration by a credit-card billing contract or by a check received by mid November in order to participate in our end of the year dance concert. No costume fees will be refunded after January 1st (no exceptions) – even if a student withdraws from the school. The recital fee is $120.00 per costume. Those registered by Nov. 1st have the option to perform at the end of the year dance concert. Regular class attendance is mandatory in order to participate in the dance concert. If more than 5 classes are missed between January and June, the student will not be able to perform in the concert. Attendance at the dress rehearsal is mandatory in order to participate in the concert. Rehearsal classes may take place of regular classes the week of the recital.
Care of Students:
The school is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Parents with students under the age of 5 are asked to remain in the school during classes. Students are not to be left at the school for excessive time before or after lessons. If class attendance for any particular day is below 4 students the class will be structured as a private or semi-private without any additional fee but will be shortened to the following : 1-2 students will be given a 30 min private lesson, 3 students will be given a 45 min semi-private. In this case we will try to contact the parent to let them know of an earlier pick-up time.
Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events:
It is the responsibility of the parent or the adult to be aware of school activities such as recitals and dates the school is open and closed. The school will post notices and send notices home with students. It is also the responsibility of the parent or adult to be aware of deadlines and to inform the school of any address or telephone number change.
Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on school property resulting from normal lesson activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after lesson time.
Photo Releases:
The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates.
Withdrawals and Refunds:
There is a two-month minimum for all lessons. One-month notice is required to discontinue any classes. Withdrawals for the months of September thru April must be done in person. Withdrawals done before classes begin are subject to a $20 fee per class. Withdrawals will not be accepted for the month of June. Withdrawals must be done with the school office staff and not with the teacher.
To withdraw from lessons a parent or adult student must:
1) Inform school administration, and
2) Complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the school office.
After this point you will have 4 final weeks of lessons to complete (your pre-paid ‘last month’). Any paid lessons beyond the 4 weeks will be refunded. The School of Dance & Music reserves the right to terminate lessons to any students without notice. Students that are found to be in an inappropriate class level or age range not best suited for them is also means for an immediate withdrawal. In such a case a refund for unused lessons will be given.